Following new guidelines released by the British Chiropractic Association (BCA), the clinic can now open to see non-urgent appointments for those who are not shielding or deemed too high risk.

This is made possible by our thorough Risk Assessment (copies available at request) and the steps outlined below to provide a protocol and procedure that we are sure will give you the confidence needed to visit Croft House.

Please contact the clinic on 07711 998 105 to talk to a chiropractor or leave a message. 
Alternatively email us at with a contact number. We are a little short-staffed, so please be patient and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Procedures for visits


Measures in place

Health and safety of our patients and staff is always our top priority. The clinic has put in place the following measures:


During lockdown from March 23rd we brought in this new initiative to speak to patients by video using FaceTime or Zoom in addition to telephone and email. This allowed us to give advice, exercises and to discuss the best course of action regarding an individual’s issues. For those shielding or those deemed at too high a risk to attend, this service remains available. 


We will be screening all patients when booking for Covid symptoms and to establish your individual & your household’s level of risk. One of our team will take you through this process when booking your appointment and will check again within 24 hours of your appointment that nothing has changed.

Sanitising station

You will be asked to use the antibacterial gel supplied &/or to put on some disposable gloves when you arrive. Your practitioner will also take your temperature via the ear to check for a fever to complete the screening process.


We have always taken pride in keeping the Clinic tidy & pristine but we now have an additional stringent and thorough Covid-19 cleaning policy in place so you can be confident that all steps are in place to reduce risk.

Social distancing

The clinic may look a little different to normal when you attend. We have put measures in place to reduce risk to the absolute minimum that we can, there will be no reception cover until July, indeed, the maximum occupancy of the Clinic at this time will only ever be one Chiropractor and one patient.

Travel through clinic

Sadly, you will no longer be able to take a moment and read a magazine or enjoy a drink in the reception area. The practitioner will welcome you at the door, take your temperature at the sanitising station and walk you straight to the treatment room.


Our practitioners will also look a little different. We will be wearing all the recommended PPE that has been suggested by Public Health England as you can see below. You are encouraged to bring your own mask or fabric face coverings if you have one.


You will be treated fully clothed in a well-ventilated environment. Every part of the treatment process has been assessed and modified accordingly. Cleaning and disinfection is carried out thoroughly between patients.


We’ve created a video of what to expect when you visit us:

This is how you can help

Stay at home if you have coronavirus symptoms

Stay at home for 7 days if you have either:

  • A high temperature
  • A new continuous cough
  • A loss of taste or smell

Do not go to a gp surgery, pharmacy or hospital.

You do not need to contact 111 to tell them you’re staying at home.

Use NHS 111 online if you feel:

  • You feel you cannot cope with your symptoms at home
  • You feel you cannot cope with your symptoms at home
  • Your condition gets worse- Your symptoms do not get better after 7 days


Mark Gordon 
Stuart Bennet
Riva Sports Massage 

Find Croft House

9a Beverley Drive
Newcastle Upon Tyne
NE16 3EH

Contact Croft House

0191 4882092

 Croft_House 9a

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